Javni poziv za 4 učesnika/ce, 09-15 Novembar 2021, Ankara, Turska

  • The main aim of the project will be to raise awareness of the youth workers who will be a tool for reaching our primary target group of refugees, about the consequences of the ill-treatment of refugees and migrants, and their training on ways to solve this problem. Thus, youth workers, who play an important role in helping migrants overcome the problems they face during the process of integration into a new society, will have the necessary knowledge on the subject and will be more effective in solving the problem in their own country. Our special objectives in this main goal are as follows:
  • 1. To provide the best and up-to-date information about creative and innovative widespread education methods and pedagogical approach techniques aimed at preventing violence against youth workers and refugees through social inclusion activities and to develop innovative strategies for solving this problem.
  • 2. Increasing the awareness and tolerance level of the society in the project partner countries in relation to the refugee problem. In this context, the processing of methods of releasing accumulated negative energy and ensuring the social integration of refugees.
  • 3. To offer the opportunity to contact the target audience during their training so that participants are aware of the role they should play as a pioneer or resource person.
  • 4. Provide youth workers, refugee youth with participatory leadership skills and human rights education to help them build better lives for themselves, their families, communities, and society.
  • 5. To increase the knowledge, experience, and motivation of youth workers for the common interests of participating countries in combating violence against refugees through social inclusion activities.
  • 6. Supporting adaptation processes by empowering refugee and migrant youth with the support of youth workers, thereby creating a social impact on the basis of violence against refugees.

Accomodation : Ticaret Bakanlığı Eğitim Merkezi Balıkhisar, Köyiçi Kümeevleri No: 685, 06750 Akyurt/Ankara. Participants will arrive at Ankara on Tuesday 9th November 2021 and leave on Monday 15th November 2021. During this time, participants will be staying at Ticaret Bakanlığı Eğitim Merkezi, the accommodation for the duration of the project.

  • Each country will have their own sessions in the project. They will organize the presentations below. So, each group should prepare the presentations below. – Presentation about the country (General informations). E.g. fun facts, videos, or cultural history about your country.
  • If you have any special health condition or special dietary requirements, please inform us before the project.
  • We will organize an NGO FAIR. If you have materials about your organisation, please bring it with you.
  • Cultural Night will be organized in the schedule. You should bring traditional foods, drinks and music to represent your country on the Cultural Night. If possible, prepare a short, creative, funny and interesting presentation of your country for the intercultural evening. Feel free to bring any culinary specialty (food or drink) from your country as well.
  • Regarding the intercultural aspect of the project, each participating team will be advised by the coordinator to choose a PPT presentation of the country of origin, asked about their food and traditional drinks, traditional clothing and also an object/ book they consider representative of their culture of tolerance or social integration.

Svi zainteresovani mogu posalti CV i Motivaciono pismo putem e-maila volonteriyia@gmail.com sa imenom projekta na koji se prijavljuju u naslovu e-maila, najkasnije do 30.10.2021.